Rheingau Photo Blog
Photos from the Rheingau - a wine region located at the Rhine River close to Wiesbaden and Frankfurt/Main, Germany
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Monday, May 29, 2006
Kloster Eberbach - Dormitory

If you're curious to see a "magic door" hidden in this room, check out my other blog.
More photos from Kloster Eberbach:
Part of the entrance
Entrance to museum
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Photo Quiz No. 3

Prize: A postcard from the Rheingau - everyone who makes a guess can win. Tomorrow, I will write each name on a piece of paper and draw the winner.
Previous Photo Quizes: No. 1, No. 2
* + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + *
Update 29.5.: Wow, already the second comment (Sidney) got the right answer! This is what we call a "Meiler" (charcoal pile) - there's wood stapled in a certain manner and then it gets covered with earth so that no air can reach it. Only a small funnel is left open so that the wood can be set under fire. After 6-8 days the charcoal is ready.
From all your comments I draw a winner for the postcard .... Micki! Congratulations, Micki! Please email me your address so I can send you the postcard.
Thank you all for participating in my photo quiz!!!
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Rheingau Panorama 2
Today I'm happy to show you another panorama of the Rheingau taken by Christian, a dear friend of ours, during their Father's Day hike. It shows the view from the second highest hill in the Rheingau - the Hallgartner Zange - down to the valley.
Please click on the image for a larger version of the panorama!
On the left you can even see the cities Wiesbaden and its neighbor Mainz, then most of the towns of the Rheingau: (from left to right on "our side of the Rhine") Walluf, Eltville, Erbach, Hattenheim, a little up the hill Hallgarten, Oestrich, Mittelheim, Winkel, Geisenheim and then on the right a bit hidden by the trees Johannisberg and Rüdesheim.
For more panoramas, check out these:
Rhine Panorama
Bay of Oestrich Winkel in the evening
Rheingau Panorama 1
Friday, May 26, 2006
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Ferry in Mittelheim

This one is in Mittelheim, crossing not only the Rhine but also the state borders between Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate. Of course there are little "fun-quarrels" going on about the fact of having the Rhine as a "border" - the people on each side refer to the others as "living on the wrong side"...
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Monday, May 22, 2006
Burmesian Building

For a view from another perspective check out my other blog.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
The "Leinpfad" (towpath)

It has been taken during one of our evening walks along the Rhine and the small harbor of Oestrich-Winkel. There had been a family of geese on the path which is escaping back to the water (they're in the shadow so not easy to spot right away).
Btw, this path along the Rhine has an interesting history: in former times when boats weren't running with motorcraft somehow the boats had to get upstream as well. Therefore, they hired people with horses to drag them upstream. And this had been the path for the horses then. Nowadays it's used by pedestrians and bicyclists (great way to do a bike trip along the Rhine!!).
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Friday, May 19, 2006
Training of the local Fire Department

Each of the small towns in the Rheingau have their own fire department - all volunteers going through a tight training before they are accepted to the team.
P.S. Also check out Markus' webblog - he's about to become a professional firemen and posts photos of his training.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Rhine Panorama

During the weekend, and especially when we have nice weather, the Rhine is full with boats. And there are also wind surfers which I've shown you earlier. Some people even swim in the Rhine, but you really need to watch out since there can be dangerous currents so you better go to beaches where it's allowed.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Cloister at Kloster Eberbach

For another view of the cloister check out my other blog.
Monday, May 15, 2006
The end of the tunnel is in sight...

This is actually no tunnel but part of the entrance area to the cloister at Kloster Eberbach.
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Abstract Photo: Pollen

If you're interested in what kind of pollen we have in the air at the moment, check out this "Pollen Radar" (in German).
... almost forgot:
HAPPY MOTHER's DAY to all the moms visiting my blog today!!!
Saturday, May 13, 2006
The Tower at Schloss Vollrads

Last thing I heard was that they are renovating the inside of the tower and apparently there are also plans to have a room for newly-weds in there to stay overnight (just hearsay from one of the waiters at the restaurant).
Friday, May 12, 2006
Having a Break at Schloss Vollrads

This photo is from the inside courtyard of Schloss Vollrads (right next to the lake with the tower). The building ahead hosts the "Vinothek" of the winery which is open during the day for wine tasting. They also have tables outside and offer small snacks.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Schloss Vollrads

Unfortunately, the castle has a sad story connected to it. The last owner, Count Erwein Matuschka-Greiffenclau inherited the property from his family in 1975. The castle and the connected winery had already been deep in debt which had been hard to lower. In 1997, when the bank decided not to extent the credit, he committed suicide since he couldn't stand the shame of loosing the family property.
Needless to say, that it had been a big story in the area. Especially since he had been quite popular - he was president of the "Deutscher Weinbauverband" (German Alliance of Winegrowers) at that time.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Door in Eltville

... seems to be my "door day" today since I've also posted a door at my Wiesbaden Daily Photo blog.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Monday, May 08, 2006
Kloster Eberbach

The monks from Kloster Eberbach (together with the monks from Johannisberg) had been the first ones to grow wine in the Rheingau. They had been very successful in it, so that the abbey, although a bit hidden in a valley, grew quite large. In about 1525 it is said that they had an enormous wine barrel with a volume of between ca. 50,000 and 100,000 litres. Due to secularization the abbey lost its assets and territory in 1803.
Nowadays it hosts large events like the "Rheingau Musik Festival", or smaller ones like the "International Easter Egg Fair". You can visit the former abbey where interior scenes of the film "The Name of the Rose" with Sean Connery were filmed. And there are regular wine tastings and also big wine auctions taking place as well.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Sparkling Wine Making: Technology

Then you see 2 tubes going into the bottles. Through one of them, the machine checks how much fluid is inside the bottle and adds some more sparkling wine, if necessary. The other tube is used for the refinement of the sparkling wine. Whenever you read "Cuvée" on a sparkling wine bottle, it means that it got refined with other wines. For example with some sweeter wine to give it a milder taste. But the dosage is very much the secret and the success of every good sparkling wine maker.
Once the sparkling wine is ready and refined, the bottle gets its cork in the machine on the right. The cork gets pressed into the bottle and then a metal cap is added to secure the cork.
Friday, May 05, 2006
Sparkling Wine Making: Rüttelpult

The jiggling part of it is, that the bottles get twisted a bit from time to time so that the yeast gets fully collected in the bottleneck. If you look close you can see a white line on the bottom of each bottle (it's a bit tricky since you also see the reflection of the light). The direction of the white line tells the wine maker which bottles have been twisted and when.
By the way, this is also the same process as for Champagne. The only difference is that only sparkling wine from the region Champagne in France is allowed to carry that name.
Tomorrow, I'll show you how the yeast comes out of the bottles without losing the sparkling...
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Schlemmerwoche: Participating Winery

You might actually see this throughout the whole year, not only during the "Schlemmerwoche". It's quite common that wineries open their wine cellars, but they usually don't have that many extra special events like they have during this week.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Sparkling Wine Making

What you see in the photo is a cork for a champagne/sparkling wine bottle before it's been pressed into the bottle. You see, it doesn't have the typical shape yet, that we see when we open a sparkling wine bottle. The cork is lying on a "Rüttelpult" (which I'm going to explain later) and in the background you see people tasting the "Sekt".
Tuesday, May 02, 2006