Training of the local Fire Department

Each of the small towns in the Rheingau have their own fire department - all volunteers going through a tight training before they are accepted to the team.
P.S. Also check out Markus' webblog - he's about to become a professional firemen and posts photos of his training.
i think there's slight rainbow..Great timing!
interesting shot, they training them to make rainbow too.
Looks like fun, did you get a go ?
nice picture! the wind is stronger than the water
i thought was real:-P really great action shot:-)
I see the rainbow that he's painted across the sky.
amazing shot - could be THE publicity shot for the police department - very evocative -
Its great you caught the rainbow like that.
That is a really cool photo
Very nice capture!!
I can't believe that Markus hasn't commented on this one yet!!! He must not have seen it yet.
The brotherhood of firefighters....
They have a really good display going on! My! Is that a rainbow?
Well the Germans have always been known for your strict discipline :)
Farbelhaft! I think that means something good in German. I like the composition, the vast openness of the back ground and off-centered fire truck.
I see a rainbow - Marieta of South Africa also just had a rainbow! I thought about being a fireman once but than I guess I still do contemplate it.
good timing and rainbow!
Ok, I do have to say, WONDERFUL picture...hehe. I'm happy to see a picture of my German Brothers!
And good-looking brothers they are too! (Sorry, obligatory Dirty Old Lady comment); I suspect I'm old enough to be their mum. ;-)
fotoaddict - yes, I was lucky to capture that rainbow.
jasp - no, they didn't let me try but I also didn't ask. But that's alright. :)
gudl - it took him a whil but no he has ;).
deji77 - yep, it's a small rainbow. Thanks for the discipline comment ;).
comatose - thanks for commenting. And yes, Fabelhaft means something really good in German, so thanks for the compliment! :)
nicholas - do you have volunteer firemen in Honolulu as well? If you don't want to do it fulltime...
markus - hey, gudrun was already wondering if you missed it. Glad you like it. I'll check the Rheingau Echo to see if there's any news coverage on them as well (probably not as much as for you guys though ;) ). I'll add your link to the post if you don't mind.
lagatta - Looks like you have a thing for uniforms. ;) Just teasing you... :)
Yea, i've been busy so i cant check the blog every day, altho i enjoy it VERY much when I do.
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