Rhine Panorama

During the weekend, and especially when we have nice weather, the Rhine is full with boats. And there are also wind surfers which I've shown you earlier. Some people even swim in the Rhine, but you really need to watch out since there can be dangerous currents so you better go to beaches where it's allowed.
This is a great photo. It really shows the river. The windsurfing picture has the river as a more green and wild looking- here it is serene.
Beautiful Picture!
Gorgeous! is it popular with tourists from other parts of France?
er..oops, i mean Germany ! :D
Spectacular! Is it the Rheinhessen on the other (Mainz) side?
Actually, fotoaddict, I know people from Alsace who know the Rheingau well. And my friends in Wiesbaden always holiday in France...
Yeah, I can really imagine how wide the Rhine is! So there are people swimming in it too, cool, but are they swimming against or with the currents you mentioned? ;-P quite a hell of an exercise if against...
Spectacular river.
a really lovely view.
where did u take it from?
Oh, that is so beautiful!! I can see why it draws so many boaters.
It looks like the Amazon River ! ;-)
Great view!
Beautiful River!
louise - yes, when I took the windsurfing picture it was really windy and there were more wave. I think we also had high tide that time so the water is usually a bit more muddy. In this photo it's been a lot calmer.
lagatta - Mainz is somewhere in the back of the photo. Unfortunately, it's been too misty. The right side on the photo is part of Rheinland-Pfalz (Rhineland-Palatinate).
maya - yes, swimming against the currents would be a bit too hard. But there are area with less currents and a bit more quiet.
photo-effe - thanks for visiting my blog and your comment!
deji77 - I took it from the other side of the Rhine accross from Rüdesheim and Geisenheim. There*s a small chapel there dedicated to Hildegard von Bingen.
sidney - haha, the Amazon is still another league. :)
Thank you all for your comments!
Beautiful landscape photo. The river is huge.
the river is simply beautiful
Sehr schöne Perspektive! War länger nicht mein am Rhein, da ich im Moment am Neckar wohne. Ich sollte mich einige Orte dringend mal wieder vornehmen, wenn ich das hier so sehe...
I guess you have to dodge the barges as well.
beautiful panorama landscape....beautiful
Wow the place looks stunning.You must be having a good time around........
Oh my G-d, that is gorgeous. I so feel like being there right now and not in my office in Miami. Taking a boat down the Rhine is one of those thing I so want to do.
Thank you for your comments marc, lisi, jasp, outdoorexposure, backpack everyday, daniel.
Ella - Der Rheingau ist immer einen Besuch Wert ;).
Nicola, thank you so much for this photo. It brings basck memories of me swimming in the Rhine in the early 1950s. TOO much fun. The Rheingau area on the left is my "zweiter heimat". I found love there and lost love there but I'll never forget the beauty of the Rheingau.
Alfred Wiswell
Beverly, Massachusetts, USA
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