Photo Quiz No. 3

Prize: A postcard from the Rheingau - everyone who makes a guess can win. Tomorrow, I will write each name on a piece of paper and draw the winner.
Previous Photo Quizes: No. 1, No. 2
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Update 29.5.: Wow, already the second comment (Sidney) got the right answer! This is what we call a "Meiler" (charcoal pile) - there's wood stapled in a certain manner and then it gets covered with earth so that no air can reach it. Only a small funnel is left open so that the wood can be set under fire. After 6-8 days the charcoal is ready.
From all your comments I draw a winner for the postcard .... Micki! Congratulations, Micki! Please email me your address so I can send you the postcard.
Thank you all for participating in my photo quiz!!!
excititing! my guess is traditional earth oven (???)
Wood to make charcoal.
Is it an oven baking poultry? Or pottery perhaps?
Would that be a dome-shaped mud oven? I think it has its origin in Africa... Interesting to know that they're still in use today.
yes it is an oven for sure but I can´t imagine what´s inside, potatoes perhaps?
I think Sidney is right. Charcoal.
My Guess its a primitive Kiln.
Yup..I'd say wood burnt slowly to make charcoal :-)
I'm saying there's some sort of cooking going a pig roast.
I am tempted between an oven or simply a whole house. As everyone went for the oven, i'll go for the hut/house.
Some others guessed this too - a pottery kiln?
Hi Nicola - its nice to be back from my trip to see your always interesting posts - My first thought upon seeing this is that its an earth oven - something similar to what we have here called an imu.
Thank you all for participating in my photo quiz! I wrote all your names on pieces of paper and made a drawing and... the winner is: Micki! Congratulations!!
Micki - please send me an email with your address so I can send the postcard on its way. Thanks!
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