Kloster Eberbach - Dormitory

If you're curious to see a "magic door" hidden in this room, check out my other blog.
More photos from Kloster Eberbach:
Part of the entrance
Entrance to museum
Photos from the Rheingau - a wine region located at the Rhine River close to Wiesbaden and Frankfurt/Main, Germany
hahaha I thought that was an illusion - nice angle - the place looks deserted and for some reason, I think it would be spooky at night.
interesting! what do they use it for now? oh, nice shot!
Beautiful perspective! Great shot!
Hi ! Im back from my vacation!!
This photo reminds me of harry potter...I cant say why,though!
nice shot, btw!
beautiful perspective and arch....nice shot:-)
That is really interesting.
Wonderful shot, too. I like the light pouring in.
I love the ceiling in this photo. Your local architecture is beautiful.
Great architecture! Beautiful !
wow love this shot
Schöne Symetrie und irreales Sonnenlicht, das von der Seite kommt... Ein Ort für die ruhige Besinnung... ein Ort der Stille, aber nicht der Einsamkeit. Ein Ort, wo Jahrhunderte lang tausende von Mönche den Kopf zum anbeten gebeugt haben, und wo die schönen gregorianischen Gesänge im Mittelalter geklungen und widerhallt haben?
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