From time to time there are special guided tours at the Kloster Eberbach that include a wine tasting and music. My parents-in-law had invited me to such a tour in the evening. One of the first rooms we went into was really dark, and had these old wine barrels lined up at the walls with lit candles upon them. Aditional to that, there was a quartet (2 men and 2 women) singing songs from different episodes (some sad, some really funy) - it was an unforgettable experience!
quite an interesting experience in that cave, it seems...esp. with candle-lights :-) lucky you to get invited :-P
Hope they didn't mind you snapping away!
romantic atmosphere..i would love to experience it myself :)
I've been working so much, I miss coming to your blog - this is another beautiful candle light photo - nice ambience
that's a little eerie to me though but nice capture of the row of candles
Love the atmosphere!!
Candle light and sunlight together, the depth of candles, shadow of one wine barrel against the window. Very nice ambience. Good shot.
beautiful atmosphere.
Very Beautiful!
unas fotos muy buenas un saludo
Liking the shot. Good mood captured here.
This will definitely make a good meat smoker. It is going to add a hint of woodsy flavor to the meat.
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